三二行館 下午茶 偽娘 綠島 王建民
石頭 沼澤 難相處YOU CAN'T GET BLOOD FROM A ROCK 你無法從石頭擠出一滴血 When rocks and swamps get into a power struggle, it is not a pretty sight. Rocks get even more rocklike and pretend it does not matter. They stonewall their partner, holding all of their feelings inside them, except when threatening to explode like a volcano. Swamps get more swampy, more needy.當石頭和沼澤進入權力鬥爭, 這光景不太好看. 石頭變的更石頭假裝不在乎. 他們阻礙伴侶, 保留所有的感覺在內心, 除了像火山爆發要脅他們. 沼澤更像沼澤(一把鼻涕一把眼淚水汪汪), 更需求.If things polarise into a huge power struggle, swamps will become vampires, turning every little thing into an issue about themselves. They try to suck any emotion, attention, love, or any kind of energy at all out of the rock. The rock, of course, counters by becoming even more rocklike, developing a "you can't get blood from a rock" attitude toward the vampire. Typically, as children, rocks were sucked dry by one of their parents, so now they have a natural defence against vampires. When the power struggle in relationship has really got out of hand, when swamps become vampires, rocks tend to withdraw, hide, and disappear. 當事情極化(對立)進入極大的權力鬥爭, 沼澤變成吸血鬼, 把每件小事都變成他們的問題. 他們要吸取情感, 注意力, 愛, 或石頭的能量. 石頭, 當然, 反而變得更像石頭, 發展出一種’你無法從石頭擠出一滴血’對吸血鬼的態度. 特別是, 作為孩子, 石頭已被一方父母吸乾, 因此現在他們自然防衛對抗吸血鬼. 當權力鬥爭在關係裡失控, 當沼澤變成吸血鬼, 石頭傾向退縮, 隱藏, 消失.Today, ask for Heaven's help to heal this power struggle. Imagine yourself as a child, and forgive the parent who was rocklike and did not seem to care for your needs, or the parent who was a vampire and tried to suck you dry. As a rock, ask for Heaven's help to have all the energy of Heaven pour through you to fill your partner. As the swamp, ask for Heaven's help to truly give to your partner. The acid test of true giving is to notice whether the rock moves away from you or closes down. If they do, somehow, you have been giving to take. Just ask for Heaven's help so that you can find within you the energy necessary to truly give to your partner. 今天, 呼求老天的幫助療癒權力鬥爭. 想像你自己像個孩子, 寬恕石頭這位父母, 他好像不在乎你的需要, 或沼澤這位父母要吸乾你. 身為石頭, 呼求老天幫助, 讓老天所有的能量透過澆灌你充滿伴侶. 身為沼澤, 呼求老天幫助真正給出伴侶. 真實給出的滋味是注意石頭離開你或關上門. 如果他們這麼做了, 從某個角度, 你給是想拿. 只要呼求老天的幫助, 因此你能找到內心真正要給出伴侶的能量.Editor's Note: "Rock" and "swamp" are terms used by Dr. Spezzano to describe two completely different styles of communication in relationship. 編輯注解: ‘石頭’和’沼澤’’是恰克史匹桑諾博士對關係溝通描述兩種完全不同風格的專用措辭.關係裡出現兩極化 (對立),不知如何相處. 無法溝通時 ,我們不知不覺落入原生家庭模式. 除了學會真正溝通 , 對方不聽不聽怎麼辦呢 ? 呼求老天幫助, 選擇愛, 所有不是愛的行為都是呼求愛. 所有爭吵, 鬥爭都是幻相 . 是我們內在的批判, 埋怨 , 特殊性如果你對我好一點. 通常這是會在死亡區出現, 雙方都扮演角色, 而沒真正的付出, 因此要小心處理, 最好找個有經驗的幫忙.看見他就是神的孩子, 他需要我們的愛. 靜靜的支持, 什麼也不做 ,傾聽內在的聲音, 老天會給我們答案.